Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weigh-in at the Gym

So, my assigned locker at the Gym is waaaaay in the back next to a big old-fashioned slide scale. In the time it normally takes me to either get dressed in my gym clothing or get dressed in my street clothing a parade of women of all shapes & sizes weigh themselves right next to me.

What I've noticed:
-They all take off every stitch of clothing when they weigh themselves--because you know a ratty ymca towel is going to add at least 5 lbs...

-They all slide the scale back to "0" before they get off--because you don't want anyone to see what you weigh.

-The skinniest ones seem to weigh themselves before & after a workout!

The other day an employee was giving a tour of the locker room to a prospective member and she said, "Here's the scale. I don't even know why we even have one. I think there shouldn't be a scale at the gym. Damn, I shouldn't have even showed it to you."